Thursday, December 06, 2007

Are You Serious?

What a weird week. It must be karma or something. To have such a large amount of things happen right after I'm on the cusp of quitting my blog. Where to begin? I'm not even sure. This is gong to be a long post, because if I'm going to do this, I might as well put some real effort into it.

Monday came and I had zero desire to goto work. Andrea reminded me that the speech specialist for Megan was that morning at 10am. That was all the reason I needed to stay home and be part of that process. I'm glad I did, and it's been requested that I'm there for a follow up session later in Dec, which I'm sure I will do. The gist? Yes, Megan is lagging behind in speach. She's not forming two words together, let alone many single words. She speaks mostly in "AHHs", pointing, and in physical ways. She understands what we say and will usually do things we ask. She just doesn't want to talk back. I can't even get into how this all makes me feel, but I'm sure you can guess it's nothing positive.

Tuesday night was the big snow storm. My commute home was a solid hour and 30 minutes. I went in crazy directions to attempt to avoid traffic (I even passed my sister in law at one point). Apparently it paid off, because two other people I work with that commute to Apple Valley were on the road for 3 hours.

After arriving home, I decided to take the bike rack off my car. (which incidentnly, I never did get around to using this year) In the process of doing this through the snow covering my car, my hands got really cold and at one point I shook them to warm them up. The result? My wedding ring went flying in some random direction. I didn't even hear it land. Ya, it's pretty much gone now. Maybe I'll get a metal detector and look for it in the spring.... suuuure.

Tonight I came to yet another shitty realization. My attempts to play World of Warcraft "competitively" were a gigantic waste of time. Despite the raw video game talents I have, there is just no way I can play at the same level as college kids with nothing to do but play video games. I quit a large part of my World of Warcraft gaming tonight. Time will tell if I'm fully done yet again.

There is only one positive thing that has happened this week. Somehow, this one thing is keeping me going, because honestly, I don't even know what to think anymore. Over on the right side of my blog, under my Exersize Log, click the "Year to Date" total. That's right, 1203 miles! I hit my goal of 1200 miles in a single year. It was a good feeling to achieve a "year long" goal. The only hard part? To convince myself that it doesn't mean I get to take the rest of the year off!

Yes, I realize this post is one huge bitch session. Maybe that's what blogs are supposed to me. Life is full of ups and downs, as long as I'm posting about both, well maybe that's the whole damn point.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nicole also just says 'ah, ah, ah' all the time... albeit she's younger but anyways, we had a friend who's two kids did this too, now they jabber constantly.

Have a good Christmas, level up!