Saturday, January 28, 2006


Another dry spell at the ol' blog of Shawn, a.k.a. the blog no one reads unless I tell them to go read it. I'd like to say I've just been to busy with... oh I don't know, something to prevent me from blogging. The truth is, I just haven't been motivated. For some people, blogging is an easy, quick thing. Maybe 30 mins out of the day. For me, it's a long process trying to come up with something to post that can start anywhere from my roaming thoughts on the bus ride to work to some random event that I dwell on for hours of the day. Then of course are my lack of english skills causing me to go over my sentences 2 or 3 times trying to make things as readable as possible. I still probably fall short there.

My confession is that for the last week I've just rather play video games when I come home from work then blog about nothing in particular. I've had interesting stuff to post about - Megan getting her first cold, my brother losing his job, signing up for my first 10k run. But like I said, just haven't had the motivation.

Thankfully my motivation in other areas is high. Workouts are going good, I'm pushing myself to new levels every day. I think I'll dedicate a post this week to my current and future fitness goals. And, if I finally start to feel motivated, I'll post a Megan update this week also. She is almost 4 months old, can you believe it?

I'll leave with some misc pictures from my week of sporting events.

Mom walking out onto the ice in attempt to win a prize of Wild season tickets.

Mom holding up her number, oh darn she didn't win.

Only good part of the 1-6 blowout. The Wild got worked over, so this guy decided to take his frustrations out.

Mom's second place prize.

KG going up for a shot.

Ex-Timberwolves Wally going up for a shot.

Nice half time show!

Megan and her latest favorite toy, the singing bug!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Generation X at Work

I know it's been over a week since I've posted, but it's been a pretty uneventful week. I'll post some pictures tomorrow from the Wild hockey game. Today I want to post about an article I read about what it is GenX people want out of work. Although the exact dates are debated, this particular article defined a Gen Xer as someone born between 1964 and 1977. Since I fall into that category, I was curious what the article had to say.

According to a survey of 1,200 Gen X employees, the following were the top 3 job characteristics (out of 15):
  • Positive relationships with colleagues
  • Interesting work
  • Continuous opportunities for learning
Lets examine each one of these characteristics shall we? First off, we have the positive relationships with colleagues. Or as I like to call it, "Don't be an asshole at work." If you want to have positive relationships, then use common sense. Be honest, courteous, and respectful to your coworkers. Engage people in witty conversation if you so deem it necessary and don't bother people when they are busy. However, if this characteristic is referring to some kind of deeper meaningful relationship with coworkers, then ahhh wtf? Work relationships are called that because they happen AT WORK. If you have some need/desire to have a deeper relationship with coworkers, then you need to be spending less time at work. Don't even get me started on people that use the workplace as a dating pool.

Okay so onto the second characteristic: Interesting work. Ummmm no shit sherlock. You mean people don't want to sit around staring at computer screens all day? Office Space FTW! (that’s "For the Win" for you non-gamers) I'd never have guessed this one. Too bad "interesting work" is itself an oxymoron. If it were "interesting" and "fun" it wouldn't be work, it would be what I do on my free time. I think the main problem here is that too many Gen Xers look at work as something to be "enjoyed". Sounds great in theory, to bad reality is a bitch huh? If we all got "paid" to do what we enjoyed, I'm pretty sure the economy would collapse in a matter of hours.

Which brings us to the final characteristic, continuous opportunities for learning. I'm so sick of hearing this. So many people around my age, older and younger, go on about how they love to learn. Sure, even I've said it, it works great during interviews. But if you love learning so much, go read a book. Go explore another country. Find a cure for cancer. I'll be the first to admit - I don't enjoy learning in the pure sense of the word. I'm a boring, small minded individual with a narrow view of the world and very little concern about what goes on around me unless it directly effects my family, my friends or me. There I said it. I don't wake up every morning going, "Gee, what don't I know that I can learn today?" And I sure as hell don't expect my employer to provide me with some type of life enriching learning experiences. If I want that, I'll make it happen. I'll DO something that gives me the opportunity to learn. You know, like becoming a Father?

They probably would have been better off calling this a "Biased survey of 1,200 over-educated, over-paid, well off Gen Xers with nothing better to do but dream about a more interesting job." Cause you know somewhere out there is a GenX garbage man, sorry "Sanitation Laborer", who probably doesn’t look forward to work each day because of his "continuous opportunities to learn" about what kind of shit people throw away. Or maybe I'm just too cynical.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Average Ordinary Post

If you remember, I mentioned I might buy an MP3 player with my Christmas gift cards this year. I did end up buying it, and I'm enjoying it so far. I just got the cheapest one Best Buy had to offer, which was this 512 meg ScanDisk model. Nothing fancy, it plays my music. The main reason I was hesitant to get an MP3 player for working out was the headphones. I hate (and refuse to use) ear jack head phones. The kind that just rest in your ear. That leaves me with over the head, behind the neck, or ear clip on type head phones. So I first tried a pair of ear clip on type from Sony. They sucked, just plain sucked. The sound was crackling the first time I used them and they did not sit in my ears correctly. While working out they would slowly slide out of position. Or worse, sweat would get in between my ear and the ear piece causing my ear to plug up and I couldn't hear anything.

Finally I broke down and decided I HAD to get a new pair of headphones. So off to Best Buy I went, trying to decide if I wanted to try a different style of ear clip ons, or just go with the behind the head ones. In the end, I decided on the behind the head style. Tried them out today and they were AWESOME. They fit really snug and the sound is good. The only thing is how the sponge parts will hold up to constantly being soaking wet. If those wear off quickly, I'll be a bit upset, but oh well.

Saturday afternoon, Andrea and I tried this new restaurant in Apple Valley called Majors Sports Cafe. It just opened last month, replacing some seafood place I had never been to. The place was very similar to Champps only slightly more expensive. We liked it and I'd definitely go back. Andrea had a White Chicken pizza (alfredo sauce with olives and chicken) and I went with a club sandwich. They also have the seasoned cross cut fries which were good. Only problem is they charge .99 cents for the seasoned sour cream!

Not much going on this upcoming week, but the week after I will be going to a bunch of sporting events. On the 16th, I'll be going to a Wild hockey game (first one) and then on the 20th a Timberwolves game. Should be lots of fun, hopefully I can sneak my camera into both events.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Stupid New Years Resolutions

Talk about ruining my work out. It's cool people want to make changes, but it sucks when everyone wants to do it at the same time. The gyms are SOOOO crowded this week, it's just plain retarded. I'm going to try a little experiment at work out at 6am tomorrow. We will see how that goes. Tonight I broke even more records, with 5.8 miles on the elliptical. Since I felt so good, I jumped on a treadmill for a mile. A 10-minute mile! It wasn't something I could sustain longer then a mile, but I just wanted to try it. So what are my new years resolutions? I don't know. I don't really have any I guess. How about this, I'll resolve to stop posting so much about my weight for awhile.

I was trying to think of other things I could post about - one idea I had was to spend an entire week posting my dreams from the previous night. Sounds weird, I know. What's even more weird is that some nights, I look forward to going to sleep simply to enjoy my dreams, they are that cool. Like when I dream I'm a ninja. Or a wizard flinging fire and ice from my hands, or any number of times I'm a martial arts expert fighting to save the world. (yes, my dreams get that complicated).

Dunno, in the mean time, I'll just post a few Megan pictures. She's growing so fast, and other then the few hours before her night time sleep, she is one super happy baby.

Megan in her cute blue striped outfit.

Megan rocking out with the Air Guitar!

Megan in her Elmo outfit.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Just one post

Sometimes all it takes to motivate me is a single post. I bitch about my workout habits and the next two days I break records. Friday I did 5.5 miles on the eliptical. (previous record, about 5.3) Saturday I was able to run for 35 minutes without resting at a 5.5 mph pace, with the last two minutes at 6.5 mph. Ended up doing 4 miles in 46 minutes (4.25 miles in 50 minutes). It was great! I'm getting close to my 10 minute mile goal...

The last couple years, we have tried to have some kind of get together for New Years. These get togethers ranged from me getting so drunk I thought i'd never get invited back, to years I was so sick (from a cold) for new years that I thought I'd die from one drink. Ringing in 2005, I honestly didn't want to have a get together, but before I could prevent it, invitations were sent out. (2 people came over?) This year, I finally enjoyed a new years with just myself and Andrea. And you know what? It was everything I hoped it could be. Do I wish I had lots of more people over? Sure, but that's a topic for a whole nother post...

For tonight, we sent Megan over to her Grandma's. Her Grandma that had a tempature of 102 according to recent reports! Of course, Grandma would never tell us that!! (shame on you!) Oh well, as long as Megan doesn't get sick. (yes Mom, that was us calling at midnight, and yes, we were going to come take Megan from you - we are Crazy Parents)

Welcome to 2006!