In other news, D&D has it's claws in me deep. If I'm not working or spending time with the family, I'm thinking about D&D. I have about a years worth of storyline in my head already, written in a way that will allow for everyone to play an equal part. Gone are the days where I thought about plot lines specific to one or two players. I see the plot as a function of the entire adventure and the whole group, and that if everyone is equally involved and engaged, there will be high level of interest in keeping the story moving forward. Idyllic isn't it?
Truth is, it's still harder then hell to get people together. No matter how hard I try, or creative solutions I come up with, it's always going to be like pulling teeth. My hope is my new campaign will grab ahold of the players like an episode of Lost, and have them wanting to come back every other week to see what the next episode has in store. Lofty goals, but at least they are goals centered around fun and creativity. Not work and meaninglessness.
Anyway, it's been awhile since I posted any pictures, so I figured it was high time to get some up. I'll see if I can't get back into this a little more regularly. More pictures, less complaining.
I can't get enough of her in pig tails, makes her look so cute.
Today we had a Mom's Club picnic. Nice turn out, but I wasn't in much of a mood to socialize. I just hung out with Megan and snapped a few pictures. One of her playing Ladder Golf and another on a park ride.
Hey everyone- Megan has around 90 words now and has hit a word spurt. If she says five new words a day I estimate she will learn 600new words by the time she's three in October. Still 300 short of the 1000 she's supposed to know by then but it'll narrow the gap quite a bit. So very excited about all the progress, hard to contain myself!!!!
Way to go Megan!!! Way to go Andi and Shawn too!
WOW! Once both my kids got past about 20 words I never knew how many were in their vocab. Luke is in that word spurt now too - everyday I hear him repeating more and more words - it is a very exciting time with the little ones! His newest is monkey - that was fun to hear him say. My other favorite is butterfly - he calls them "fluffly" :) Hey Shawn - that neverending work is what we call job security - be thankful for it!!!
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