Obviously, I have a very addictive personality. I'm pretty sure it runs in my family to some degree. Addictions can be both positive and negative in my mind. It's all about how you spin it. Basically, some of my main addictions are:
1) Worrying. I worry way too much. I worry about everything, my job, my family, and yes, even my addictions. It gets to be a bit much at times. It has to be prematurely aging me somehow.
2) Video games. Always been on the top of the list. World of Warcraft being the current choice. How long can video games be my only form of entertainment?
3) Running. Finally, a positive addiction! The funny thing is, I can even find a slight negative with this one. My insistence to run run run has prevented me from achieving a secondary goal of weight lifting on a regular basis.
4) Alcohol. Ahhh finally the only one on my list that could be considered an official addiction. The positive side of this one is that it's more or less fallen out of the top 3. About once every other month I find myself having a few drinks to de-stress. Okay, maybe more then a few.
I thought about how I feed my various addictions at some length this weekend. Not sure why, but it centered around my choice of video games as my primary form of time wasting / entertainment. The thing is, with an addictive personality, you HAVE to feed something. You can't just quit an addiction. The only thing you can do is replace one addiction for another. If I cut back on video game playing, all that would end up is my other addictions would get more time. And looking at the above list, I'm not seeing more negative then positive alternatives. So video games it is!
In other news, Megan loves her new Dora fort... Great birthday present! (if you are reading this, thanks!)
I'm not convinced that worrying is an addiction. If it is, I may need to find a worrier's anonomyous meeting somewhere. Maybe it's genetic?
Yeah worrying isn't an addiction... unless if you get nervous when you aren't worrying. I could find worse addictions from the list you have. Be 'de-PC' and call them 'intensive hobbies' :)
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