Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Not a moment too soon

Here I sit, the day before my vacation, with a small moment to catch my breath. The week started out on such a good note with two out door runs. First a 10 miler on Saturday in CRAZY good weather, and then another shorter 4 1/2 mile on Monday night. That one was a bit colder, but still nice.

Despite that great start, I'm sitting at the highest stress levels I've been at in a long time. I woke up this morning with a major stress headache, and even two Excedrin didn't make it go away. You'd think the day before a vacation, I'd be de-stressing, but for some reason the exact opposite is happening.

I'm not trying to be vague, I simply can't put my finger on where the stress is coming from. It's just a combination of many things, with the biggest piece being Megan's ever changing abilities to find new ways to get into trouble or things she shouldn't. In other words, the fact that she's 2 now!

Work is no small part either... I confided with a co worker how I've given serious thought to finding a way to get a different manager. Not that I think that's an actual possibility, I still entertain the idea. Something rather funny happened this week at our group meeting. I reminded everyone I would be out for 3 days, and someone chimed in that maybe we should delay some things because I was a "major linchpin". Being the vocabularaly challenged person that I am, I wasn't sure at first what it meant, if it was a joke or a complement? I thought it was some derivative of the word "lynch", i.e. hanging. Turns out, linchpin refers to "a central cohesive element". That was a nice pick me up... maybe all my hard work does get noticed.... Naw! Who am I kidding!?!?!

Hopefully I can come back after this weekend with a fresh perspective on things. Relax, let the worries flow away for just long enough to re-center myself and focus on a few tasks over the next few weeks to lower my stress levels.

Did I mention my roof work hasn't started yet?
Did I mention I'm going to have to get new brakes on my car?
Did I mention I'm going to get my wisdom teeth pulled before the end of the year?

Oh sorry, what was I saying? Oh ya, back to my regularly scheduled worrying! Pictures of the trip when I get back!!


Anonymous said...

I had all 4 wisdom teeth removed at the same time a few years ago when I lived in MI. I was really scared about it. I remember my mom told me it was a week of hell and then it was over. And that's a pretty good description. I lost a bit of weight because I couldn't eat any solid food for almost a month - but even that wasn't so bad. In the long run, it isn't a painful memory that stands out - you'll be fine!!!

spock74 said...

Eh, it's different for every person. I had mine out and other than chipmunk cheeks for a few days I didn't have any problems. There was some pain, but not much. So don't freak out because it could be relatively easy. Put it this way: I'd rather have 47 wisdom teeth removed than 1 appendix.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Keara. I'd rather have wisdom teeth out than an appendix. I had my wisdom teeth removed when I was 17 and I don't even remember any pain. I had general anaesthesia, maybe that was the difference? If so we'll definitely get the good stuff for you and you'll be in la la land.