Sunday, June 22, 2008

What a Week(End)

It's going to be hard for me to find much time for blog posting in the next few weeks. Between work and my one other hobby (Dungeons and Dragons), there isn't much spare time left. Work is going to start effecting my mental health here soon enough. I think I'm detached enough to not let it bother me much this round, but time will tell.

My number one fear is just dealing with those problems at work I can't solve. I mean sometimes, there are technical challenges that I'm not able to solve. I'm no super genius expert in this area of programming, I merely know enough to muddle my way through for the most part. When push comes to shove, often times I find myself in a pure trial and error state. "Hmmm well try this, maybe that will work. Nope, okay well try this. Nope, hmmm." Sometimes I'm lucky, sometimes I'm not. When will my luck run out?

In other news, this weekend was GREAT! Saturday we had a company picnic at the MN Zoo. Since I could get 4 free tickets, and we already have a Zoo +1 membership, I got my whole family in for free. The Zoo was PACKED unlike anything I'd ever seen before, but we managed to make the most of it. We got a free lunch and Megan got to spend some time in the inflatable jumpers, one of her favorite things.

Today Megan and I went to see Kung Fu Panda. I figured it had been quite awhile since our last attempt, and I wanted to see how she would do. It went just awesome. She sat through the whole movie with no problem, and did signs for every animal that came up on screen! (except for the Mantis) The rest of the day she was doing Panda signs (at least, our version of Panda). Tonight we did a little park time and ended our evening with a trip to DQ.

Megan also picked up a bunch of new words this weekend including "Old" and "New". She can say the words and do the signs for them both. It's hard to tell if she actually understands the abstract concepts behind words like these, so we are doing our best to encourage her use by explaining what they mean. Hopefully it's sinking in!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just don't use Grandma as an example of the "old" concept-okay?