Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Silly Resolutioners, Go Home

It's not that I'm against new years resolutions. I have a slew of them this year. Probably more this year than any previous year. This year they are a set of very specific things for very specific people for very specific reasons. Yes, I'm being vague because everyone of them is not for sharing.

But every year, it's the same damn thing at the gym. Jan 1st starts and all of a sudden, no parking spots at the gym. Lines for the treadmills. A slew of people walking... on my treadmills. Yeah, MY treadmills damnit. I'll come right out and admit it, I get straight up pissed off when I see 12 people all just walking on a treadmill. I'm happy you are trying to get healthy, but go walk around the mall or something.

Sigh... I'm falling over to the dark side I think.

I'm supposed to have a Dungeons and Dragons session next Saturday, and I haven't even started preparing. The holidays and all that really distracted. I was afraid when I added WoW back into the mix last month that it might cut into my D&D time, and sure enough, it has. I knew all along that if I wanted to do both hobbies, I'd have to prioritize my free time to split between the two. Time to hit the books and come up with some story lines... Go go creativity!

In the meantime, sounds like the end of this week is just going to dump tons of snow on us. That will be tons of fun for my commute. I think I'll just have to go in at like 5am on Friday so that I can leave at 3pm. Sounds like a good plan...


Adam said...

That will be me, starting Monday. I'll try to at least jog though :P

BTW - when can I make a DK on other servers?? It says I can on the most recent PTR patch notes!!

spock74 said...

Finally! I've been waiting for Shawn's "complaining about the number of people at the gym due to New Year's resolutions" post. Now my year can officially begin.

Anonymous said...

I personally don't believe in new year's resolutions because most people don't keep them so I don't see the point. I believe I recently heard that 4 out of 5 people don't keep their New Year's resolutions. I instead make a list of goals - things I want to accomplish in the new year. To me I am giving myself a to do list instead of a resolution. I also tend to believe something that I believe I read in this blog sometime back, that people tend to stick to resolutions they make in the middle of the year rather than for New Year's. On a side note, I too am trying to get into better shape but it is out of necessity because of great pain I was in and I started working with a physical therapist at the beginning of Dec. Be patient Shawn, from what I hear most of them will be gone by the end of the month. :)