Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Moving On

As much as I'd love to leave my marathon post up forever, it's time to put that event behind me, tucked away in a small list of things I'm truly proud about. Life keeps moving forward no matter how much you want to revel in today.

Good or bad, every experience can be positive as long as you learn from it. What did I learn from my marathon experience? I learned that with proper preparation, good planning, and hard work you can accomplish something you otherwise might not have. And as always, a little good luck doesn't hurt (good weather).

So what's next for Shawn? There are two things on my mind lately. First is my family, and specifically Megan. She's 5 years old now! I can't even begin to explain how weird that feels just saying it. Her birthday was last weekend, and it was a blast. Big thanks to my Mom for putting together such an awesome Spiderman theme birthday at the last minute. But Megan's having a tough go of things right now, particularly at night after I get home. We fight a lot, mainly about outside time and her running off or going into neighbors houses without telling us. It's been very frustrating and we've had a few big fights that I feel absolutely horrible about.

So despite any personal goals I might have for the next few months or how much my job is going to get in the way (next post will be about that). I think I've decided what's next for Shawn. It's going to be all about Family, starting with date night this weekend for me and Andrea and building on more Daddy and Megan time, better communication, and helping teach limits. Nothing too hard right? Basic parenting stuff? But parenting is like anything else. You need proper preperation, good planning, and hard work. Time to put those lessons learned to good use.


Andrea said...

It really doesn't help that children keep changing and we must adapt with them. Bigger child, new slightly bigger issues. I'm sure Megan would like a bigger territory to roam around in, but we must be mindful of our neighbors...not to mention strangers. Or worse neighbor-strangers!

yui said...

I'm looking forward to the next update.