Monday, March 31, 2008

The decision is Winter

I don't even know where to begin. 5-8 inches of snow? So much for any chances of decent outdoor training this year, I might as well kiss my 10k time goals goodbye. Suppose I'll shoot for the times I want later in the year...

It's been a long time since I've posted any form of deeper thoughts on my blog. Life has been hitting me from all sides lately, hardly giving me time to catch my breath, let alone organize my thoughts into any form of coherent stream of text. Things have just been so negative lately, I've been unable to think of anything to write. I do not want my blog to be just a place where I go to whine about the problems of my life.

There are also the questions of privacy. Some of the problems going on in my life are just too private to share here, no matter what I might think. Add in the fact I can't talk about detailed aspects of my job and what stresses me out there... what I am left with to talk about? Apparently, just the weather.

My week was so rough last week, that prior to Sunday, the only highlights of the entire week were: 1) A Bud Light commercial where a dog says "Sausages!" and 2) A philosophical question posed to me at work. Sad huh?

Things did pick up on the weekend. We had a fun family swim Saturday morning and went out to dinner Saturday night. Sunday we had Grandma B and Papa B over to visit, and they brought Megan a bunch of presents including her own fish tank! She is loving that. She is also vocalizing "M" sounds in all sorts of new ways today, which is all great stuff.

But what about Shawn? How is he doing? Not sure I know the answer to that right now. One of the hardest parts about internalizing everything in life, is that sometimes it just gets to be too much. Those are the times that I get into a funk that won't shake for a long period of time. What's funny, is this funk comes 6 months from my last one(October), which was 6 months after another one (April)... Is there something about October and April that mess with my head!?!?

Friday, March 21, 2008

Winter Spring... Spring Winter...

Make a decision already! I was out for my second outdoor run this week, for a nice long 10 miler. And today there is a friggen snow storm? Seriously? I'm having second thoughts about my love of Minnesota. Between the snow falls lately, and the near car accidents I've had, this week was one of those weeks where I'm just happy to come out the other side alive.

Sometimes you just have to keep moving forward, and that's just what I'm going to do. Let the hardships of the week slip away as I focus on the weekend and the soon-to-arrive real Spring time.

What's on tap for this weekend? First up is Easter egg coloring, which we are going to start right now actually. This year, we will most likely focus on colors with Megan this time. She has been doing very well with all her colors lately... In fact, I can hear Andrea right now asking her to find the "Yellow" one...

Tomorrow morning we are heading bright and early to the Zoo baby animals, at the Minnesota zoo. Megan has also made huge improvements in her identification of animals through signs. She even knows the actual sign for "animals". She loves watching this one web site that goes through animals and doing the signs as she listens.

Anyway, I'm being told that my real life is slipping away while I blog. Maybe there is some truth to that. I had better end this for now!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Picture Day

More pictures today! We had a great time at the Children's Museum yesterday. Although it was fun, at the same time it was difficult for us. The place was packed and so noisy, it wasn't exactly conducive to the one-on-one speech time we want to focus on with Megan. That isn't to say we shouldn't do these kinds of events, but at least we acknowledge they are more about fun for Megan, and less a real opportunity for work on language. But FUN is important too!!

You can see Megan doing the sign for slide in this picture. Grandma Gayle is learning signs from Megan every time she sees her.

Name this movie: "I wish I liked anything as much as my kids love bubbles."

Megan learning her colors with Grandma:

Megan and Mom rocking out to music where they could see themselves on TV... Wait a sec... TV is the debil!! RUN AWAY, RUN AWAY!

Here is a random picture from a few days ago. Megan and Andrea are modelling their new hair cuts.

Friday, March 14, 2008

One is all you need

The mood around the Anderson house has improved over the last week. We did our best to share the nitty gritty of our situation with our family, to get them to see what it is Andrea and I are going through. Of course, they continued to try and downplay things and give us words of support and encouragement. I wouldn't expect anything less, they are my family after all! More importantly, they listened and really took the time to understand what we are feeling.

That fact alone has helped us this week, the whole divide your sorrows thing going into effect. On top of that, Megan has developed a lot of new babbling talk. She is constantly vocalizing now, something she was doing a smaller percentage of the time before. All day with the noises, and pointing at things, her way of asking questions.

Today I took a half day off today to get Megan in to see the doc. After her cold came right back, I wanted to make sure her ear infection didn't come back as well. Turns out she was just fine, and after that we stopped at Burger King for some fun time in the indoor playground and a strawberry shake.

This week also marked my first outdoor run of the year. Headed out Thursday night with a buddy from work, around the usual lake paths. It was a little wet, but otherwise pretty good. Hopefully the weather holds out and I can start more serious training for the Get in Gear 10k. I have some big goals this year and I haven't started much on them.

Tomorrow we have some more fun things going on, as we are hitting up the Children's Museum in the morning. Grandma Gayle is joining us as well, it should be a great time. I'll try to get some pictures up tomorrow or Sunday of our adventures in learning!

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Not Enough Hours

Just when I'm at a time when it feels like I never have enough time, we have to go and lose an hour.

Since my blogs have become somewhat of week in review, I might as well go with it. This week started off on an early note as I took some family to the airport to goto Las Vegas. I was up at 4:30am to get them there on time... Ugh. From that point, it felt like I just never caught up on sleep all week long. I suppose the staying up until midnight every night didn't help matters.

Tuesday sucked with that surprise morning snow storm. Okay, maybe not a snow storm but it made my commute take an extra 20 minutes. Not to mention, I got so frustrated that I almost hit the ditch (or much worse). Didn't even tell Andrea about that one... hmmm guess I'm screwed now!

The rest of the week was blah for the most part. The cold weather is still here, I'm still struggling with running indoors, and I was damn glad to see Friday roll around.

Today was a bit more fun, as I started off the day with a solid 7 mile run. After that, the fam headed to Edinborough Park in Edina. It was JAM packed for a Saturday morning, but we still managed to squeeze an hour of fun out of it. Megan and I ran all around inside the tree house together, she loved it. After that we hit a nice big lunch at Red Lobster, where Megan was very well behaved. All in all, a very pleasant Saturday afternoon.

Here are 2 shots from today at Edinborough:

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Project Club House Complete!

This was a multi phase project... It broke down like this:

Phase 1: Move the TV (8:00am)

After moving the TV, I went for a 7 mile run, and didn't get restarted on the project until 11am.

Phase 2: Clean (11:00am)

Phase 3: Break overhead light fixture while unloading

Phase 4: Finish unloading (11:30am)

Phase 5: Mid way point, take a lunch break (1:00pm)

Phase 6: Finish! (2:30pm)

Phase 7: See the look of surprise and enjoyment on Megan's face as she got home tonight!!