Monday, December 15, 2008

Seriously Slacking

Not enough posts make Shawn a dull blogger. Yes, I start out every post bitching about how I don't post enough. Tough, suck it up and deal with it. Somewhere right around Thanksgiving, I decided to start playing World of Warcraft again, which I had quit back in April. This time, I'm not going to get into any of the competitive aspects, it's purely going to be what it should have been all along: a night time hobby to pass some time. I'm going to miss the extra hours of sleep, but whatever. I've been sleeping too much as it is.

Anyway, that was a really long story to explain why I'm not blogging as much.

Last Monday, I came home to an awesome surprise. Out of no where, Megan sang her entire ABC's song to me! She had recently started singing the whole "Twinkle Twinkle" song as well, even to the point where she wouldn't want you to sing along with her sometimes. "No Daddy, I do it!" It was a joy to come home and hear her belt out the whole ABCs.

Not everything is going so well, I am still struggling with her physicality and dissobediance. Sure, it might just be normal 3 year old behavior, but it sure doesn't make it any easier. When I have no good comparisons to draw from, I just assume Megan is a little hellion. Punching and kicking me if I take away something, throwing toys at me if I don't do what she wants immediately when she wants it. Every night is excitement!

I've been thinking hard about my New Years resolutions, and finally came to some realizations. (don't I always?) For starters, I decided resolutions are usually by definition, somewhat selfish. I've decide this year that I'm going to make my resolutions in a slightly different way. One for myself, and all others for someone else. I'm sure this makes no sense, but again, whatever! I'll be the first to admit my brain hasn't been firing on all cylinders lately.


Adam said...

Which server?? I started WoW again in September... as this semester's grades may very well reflect (only half joking...). I'm really looking forward to the first two weeks of January before classes start :-D

Shawn said...

I play on Gorefiend (PVP) exclusively now. I'll email you my characater names... look for a guild named "Donut Shop". It's just a small group of friends (5ish).

Anonymous said...

Has anybody seen my husband lately? I can't find him anywhere....