Thursday, March 18, 2010

From Tired to Busy

Being overly tired was the worst thing to happen leading into the day light savings time weekend. On top of that, we had a full weekend of travel, spending time with family, and all sorts of stuff that just kept us going all weekend. In the end, no one adjusted very well to the time change and it's been dragging on everyone all week.

I think I'm finally recovered today, since I got to sleep in until 8am. I was up with Casey a few times during the night, but nothing too bad. Me and the girls all have colds right now. Andrea has avoided it so far, so she might be in the clear. The rest of us are just miserable. I'm hoping this is the last round of colds we get for awhile as we lead into spring.

Speaking of spring, the girls are definitely enjoying more time out side lately. You quickly forget how "new" everything is to a 10 month old. Stuff outside to see, touch and smell are all still new to her. To Casey, the coolest thing in the world is to just hold her near a tree branch so she can grab it.

Meanwhile, Megan asks me pretty much every other time we go outside if she can take her training wheels off! She's not quite ready for that, but our neighbors daughter is a year older than Megan and she might get this off this summer. So of course, Megan wants the same. So typical!

Here's a recent video of Casey practicing walking with assistance outside.

1 comment:

Insolita said...

I love that she unabashedly admits that she wants to be in the video. Although from her pose, my guess is she thought it was going to be a photo...