Thursday, March 11, 2010


No other words come to mind right now. I'm seriously worn down. If I put my head on a pillow right now I think I'd pass out before I closed my eyes. So why am I blogging? Cause Megan took a huge nap tonight and isn't remotely tired. Ah well. I should stop getting to work at 6am, might help.

This weekend was pretty tough driving around, seeing runners everywhere I looked. I was feening pretty hard to get out there. My foot condition hasn't changed significantly over the last 5 weeks of no running. If anything, it maybe feels slightly better. I have no real pain anymore unless I really crank on the stretching. I'm probably going to end up at the foot doctor again in a few weeks and discuss any other options. It might just be a giant waste of time and money, but I need something. One way or another I'm going to start running outside again in early to mid April.

Once I start running again, I see 3 possible outcomes. I'm trying to mentally prepare for the worst of those, but it's not coming easy. The best possible outcome of course is that running outdoors again with orthopedic shoe inserts will somehow magically readjust my foot and help it heal and go back to normal. Odds of that happening? I'm going to say less than 10%. Second outcome is that the pain I have now just stays more or less the same. I mean, even at the "peak" it never actually hurt. It was just a minor annoyance, mostly in the morning (which is a lot better thanks to the night splint). The last outcome, and most likely outcome, is that running again aggravates it and results in worse pain.

Of all the things I wanted to do this year, quitting running for good was not one of them. But if after I start running again, the pain gets worse, I'm not sure what other options I would have. The thought of being done running for good is not something I can swallow right now. So I'm just going to have to take one day at a time and see how this spring goes.


Sarah Winehouse said...

Nice blog! Hope you're tiredness don't get you down too much. I just started my blog about food health wine and chocolate if you're interested! Cheers :)

Chandana said...


Here's a blog that serves for your spiritual needs.

This blog has messages from the Holy Scriptures, taught by the Spirit of God.

These messages teach us how to have God in all the aspects of our lives and have God's rule over every matter:

Have a blessed reading.

God bless you.

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