Saturday, July 24, 2010

Once a week slacker

Clearly something big must be taking up all my free time, preventing me from blogging. But alas, it is just more work. Megan and I are watching Avatar: The Last Airbender cartoons in the evenings as well. We are just about done with season 2 and will be starting up the last season, maybe tonight!

I've been accused of not posting enough pictures of the kids lately, and rightly so. To counter that, I'll throw up a few pictures and a video today and see if I can't get a few more up later this week.

First up we have a couple of cute Casey popsicle shots. The one out on the deck is so dang adorable. She's just lounging in her little froggy chair enjoying that chocolate popsicle.

Couple other recent pictures, one with the grandparents and one with Casey holding my medal from my recent half marathon.

You may remember my recent post about Casey dancing to the Secret Agent man song over at a park near our place. What I didn't share is what Megan was up to during that time. Here is the full video... watch closely for what happens at the end. Somehow I don't think I'm going to have to worry too much about protecting her from boys...

1 comment:

Steve Eck said...

Megan's got quite the ninja moves. She must get those from Andi.