Tuesday, February 05, 2008

And Then?

Next thing you know it's a week later and I haven't got a damn post up! Sheesh, I'm such a lazy bastard. I honestly have no excuse... I mean, I think the most exciting thing I did this weekend was getting a haircut on Sunday. Oh, and I watched the last 5 minutes of the super bowl. Can't forget that!

It's just a slow month I guess, but things are going to start to pick up in Feb. Starting right off the bat with this weekend... I will be attempting to resurrect my Dungeons and Dragons group!! That's right, I'm going to give it another shot this year and see how it goes. I want to run a 13 session campaign that will take place over 8 months... Ambitious? Maybe.

Yesterday, Andrea and I went to a sign language class. Not sure what to think about it. I've already memorized the alphabet and a bunch of words... will they help? Will it add anything to Megan's language development? Probably not. All I know is that the other couple there had a child with down syndrome, which to be quite honest, put our situation into perspective a little bit.

In other news, the whole bedtime thing is going swimmingly. Megan has zero issues with bedtime around 8pm after our "routine". She almost seems to look forward to it now, and enjoys giving big hugs and kisses good night. We tried a night light for a while, but she just took it apart and got the bulb out. No more of that, and she ended up not needing it anyway. The only down side are the nights I get home at 6pm from a run, and with dinner right after, I only get to see Megan for an hour or two during her bed time routine.

Don't know much else... Later this month we are doing an overnight at Mystic Casino for free, courtesy of my Mom and all the gambling she does (free hotel coupons). It will be our mini Valentines get away. Mom will be watching Megan overnight for us, which should be a breeze now!

Suppose I should get to sleep now... For some reason I've been depriving myself of sleep for the last 2 weeks. I can't really say why, but constant 5 hours of sleep every night does weird things to your brain.

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