Monday, February 11, 2008

The Battle Continues

No, not the battle for middle earth. The never ending fight to remain positive in the face of all that Andrea and I are dealing with. For us, every day is a struggle. We are feeling very isolated and without any reassurances that anything we are doing is making one damn difference.

I'd post more but no reason to go into a downward spiral right now. I'll try to get another post up tomorrow on some things in the works and some of the more fun things that we did this last weekend.

Also, I've just been told that there is a very high probability that I will be working more then a few weekends from now until mid-May. Isn't life great?

1 comment:

spock74 said...

Hang in there, dude. When I feel like my life is crap and everything sucks I watch CNN for a while. I'm not trying to minimize your problems, I know stuff piles up and it seems like the world hates you, I'm just saying, it could be a whole lot worse.