Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Phyiscal recovery, mental recovery

I'm running again, but it wasn't without some serious pain. Last week, I had to take the entire week off. I was able to manage some elliptical. It just hurt too much to run. (no, it wasn't my friends fault, he shouldn't feel bad). Not being able to run put me in a generally bad mood all last week.

This weekend I managed 8 miles on Saturday, with two short runs (5.25 and 6 miles) on Sunday/Monday. Saturday I popped a few Ibuprofen prior to the run, and I think that helped. But that was the only day I did that, the others I could manage. Tonight was a rest day and tomorrow I'm hoping is the real start of normal feeling runs. It will probably still pinch a little bit, but it doesn't feel anywhere near like it did last week. Lesson learned? No back lifting without serious care.

So the physical side is healing, but the funk that kicked in has yet to pass. I've been trying very hard to ignore the head lines these days, but it gets harder by the minute. The world at large just seems to suck, and you watch and listen as it sucks the soul out of the people you love and care about. At what point do you just throw your hands up and yell, "Fuck it!"

Fuck Circuit City and $4.7 million dollar executive bonuses for the "Wind Down Incentive and Retention Plan".

Fuck Merrill Lynch Executive Bonus Investigation

Fuck Cash4Gold and it's entire stupid scam.

Fuck the society that continues to convince people that they need to buy more shit, and a free market economy based on credit and money that doesn't really exist.

Fuck the government and it's screwing of hard working, honest people, due to the fuck tard mistakes of banks, people with bad credit, and idiots that buy things they can't afford.

Fuck a system that is going to make us all poorer, as inflation rises, our money becomes worthless, our retirements accounts zero out, and our social security money simply vanish.

Fuck my new mortage loan bank for trying to screw me out of $46.38 for a simple error they easily could have just handled or contacted me about.

Most of all, fuck me for being a poorly informed, non useful contributor to all the negativity out there. As if there isn't enough all ready.


brent said...

woah good rant!

i take complaint and total blame for the injury, and this is a reasonable conclusion. if something positive does not come of this event, i will never forgive myself.

brent said...

should read, "i take complete..."

brent said...
