Monday, February 16, 2009


Saturday morning I attempted to do some weight lifting. I think I pulled a muscle in my lower back doing squats. Oops. It's not actually my back, it's that lower back upper butt muscle area. I didn't say anything to my friend who I was lifting with, but he'll read this and find out anyway. I'd say the odds of me continuing to do more lifting are about 50/50 right now. I lifted again today, only because running hurt too much. Sigh. I'm so weak, it's pathetic!

Saturday night we went to a dance. Not really sure what to think/say about that. I was uncomfortable and generally just tried to get through the two hours. I felt bad that I disliked it so much, because it's the kind of thing that Andrea enjoys. But what can you do? It's not easy to just flip a switch on your personality like that. Well, unless you have like 6 drinks first. But it wasn't that kind of dance.

Got Dungeons and Dragons coming up this weekend. Somewhat ready for it, but need to do some more thinking this week. If things go well, my players will be entering the 3rd chapter of my epic story. (5 chapters total). They will be level 4 starting this session, and I'm hoping this storyline takes them to level 10. If things go well, that might be towards the end of this year. That would be pretty damn impressive, and be the longest campaign to date.

My brother recorded parts of our last session with this fancy surround sound microphone he bought. Maybe I'll get some of the audio from him or get him to record our next session. Then post some highlights, and people can hear how dorky we get while playing. Wouldn't that be cool?


brent said...

oh no, sorry about that man! very sorry, my fault. hopefully it goes away soon. DOH! my bad

Anonymous said...

that sounds like the same muscle I pulled doing nothing but picking up my son - I had to have 7 weeks of physical therapy to recover - but you are probably stronger than I am in general so you will probably be able to recover on your own. By the way - same son keeps requesting the poop goes in the potty song since I played it for him a week ago - can you give me the song info so I can get a copy? thanks!