Saturday, July 18, 2009

Enough about Casey, all about me!

What my blog is actually for! Problem is, not much about me I want to talk about these days (and I'm not the only one). Family life is getting far too personal to go on and on about, and of course, the proverbial blog taboo topic of work. My social life has dropped to zero (by choice of course). So what else is there? Not much... I suppose I can always fall back to random incoherent philosophical psycho babble.

I feel like I am at an interesting point in my life. Not the typical crossroads, because there are no choices per say. But a specific point none the less. I don't exactly want to label it "the beginning of the end" because that is much too harsh, but it slightly encompasses the over arching thought.

Hmmm arching... Maybe the better analogy is that I feel like I am rising over the crest of a roller coaster. Everything up until now has just lead me to the top, and now it's time to start the fast and furious down hill. And it's a crazy, scary, fun, exciting time. But before you know it, the ride is over. There are parts of me that wonder if I'm going to spend the next 20 years on a crazy roller coaster of emotions, trying to figure out how to be a better parent, only to look around and go, oh, ummm, so... that was quick.

20 years SOUNDS like a long time, but is it really? Next month, Andrea and I will have been married for 10 years. It sure as heck doesn't feel like 10 years. (is that a good or bad thing?) So 20 years doesn't seem all that long. Here is a random list of things I'd predict over the next 20 years:

  1. I'll have at least 2 or 3 different jobs
  2. I'll have to buy at least 2 new cars
  3. We'll probably move at least once, maybe twice
  4. Hopefully we have at least 2 big family vacations
  5. There will probably be too many funerals
  6. I won't be able to retire (and I won't win the lottery)
  7. I'll have played at least one, or will be playing, an MMORPG
  8. I won't be able to run as much, if at all
  9. I'll have a TV back in my house
  10. I won't be blogging anymore
Interesting list. Is it overly negative, or is it too much truth to swallow all at once? Somewhere, mixed in with all that stuff, is the fact that I'm going to get to watch my girls grow up. And maybe I get lucky, and they turn out okay. Let's hope the odds on that happening are better than the lottery.

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