Friday, February 05, 2010

501st Post

Didn't even realize it, but happened to glance at my post count tonight. I hit 500 posts, with today being 501. Not bad for 5 1/2 years of blogging. When I started this little adventure I didn't think I would last this long. I've come SO close to quitting many times. But in the end I always come back because quite frankly, for whatever reason, blogging can be very therapeutic for me. It's a place to come and bitch and moan without burdening anyone with my worries. The side effect of course is that sometimes my blog shows only the negative side of me, but I try my best to balance it out.

Foot update: Got the night splint this week and I've worn it twice now. It's not bad, and it definitely helps with the morning pain. I don't know if it is going to be a miracle cure, but I have hopes. In most studies, it helps 70-80% of the time. Even if it does, it's going to be a long healing process. I'm doing elliptical for now, but will see how that goes. It feels like it's low impact, but it's hard to tell.

Not much else going on really. Work is still just work. Still trying to make a difference, because why not? It's more fun to try and make a difference and then be forced not to, rather then just straight up not even try. Sure the outcome is going to be the same, but at least that way I can put the blame on some other abstract concept like "the business" making bad decisions.

The girls are doing fine, and Megan starts a new preschool program on Monday. It's a "Playschool" program at the near by Eastview high school. It's a great program, 3 days a week. She will do that in addition to normal ECFE 2 days a week, so she will be a busy girl!

Tomorrow we are doing the Apple Valley Mid-Winter Fest which we try to do every year. It's mostly just so that Megan can do the inflatable jumpers, but maybe this year she would have the patience for mini golf. I'll try and snap a few pictures and get them up this weekend.


Heather said...

congrats on hitting 501 posts.

The Rain Crab said...

congratulations on completing 500 posts!!!