Monday, February 01, 2010

Difficult Decision

I've come to a very difficult conclusion. I know it's for the better and hopefully the best for my long term goals, but that doesn't make it any easier. What is that decision you ask? I'm done running... for now.

You may remember my off hand comment about Plantar Fasciitis a few weeks ago. Well, I took my week off running, did even more research, and even visited a podiatrist. I've decided I have full blown plantars, and that I need to treat it before it gets worse.

The thing that makes plantars such a horrible injury, is that it is a silent killer. It doesn't hurt THAT much, usually only early in the morning. Stretching it or running on it can actually make it feel better. But running on it is a false approach, because you are doing more harm. I've read more than a few accounts of people who "ran through" a plantars injury only to be completely debilitated later.

The other horrible aspect of plantars, is that there is no easy cure. What worked for one person doesn't work for the next and vice versa. I was even at a running store looking for night splints and the store clerk mentioned how he had plantars once. He says to me, "You basically have to throw every treatment at it. What worked for me was...."

At the core, there are the 3 basic things: rest, icing and stretching. In addition to the basics, I'm wearing orthopedic shoe inserts at all times. One of the most important rules is to never go barefoot, even at home. I'm going to do a week of anti-inflammatory starting soon (tomorrow?) I've also ordered a "night splint" online (couldn't find one in a local store).

The idea behind the splint is that during the night, your foot rests in an extended manner, allowing your plantar fascia to constrict. Then upon waking, you take your first step out of bed and BAM, tear it apart and start the cycle of healing/tearing all over again. The night splint keeps the muscle flexed, allowing it to heal better over night and then be ready to go in the morning.

I need to be icing more, which I will probably start more of this week. I think I'll start icing at work too, where I have more time to just sit. If I don't see noticeable change within 4 weeks, I'll head back to the podiatrist and consider more drastic measures such as professional message therapy or ultrasound cortisone cream. Hopefully it doesn't come to that. I am absolutely committed to getting this taken care of over the next 8-12 weeks. One thing is for sure, no matter what, I will never run on a treadmill again, which I feel is the main reason I suffered this injury. (although, stupid use of a treadmill is also to blame)

1 comment:

AJ's words said...

Get well soon man!! Always do a warm up bfore ya exercise. Cheers!