Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Insane Luck

Apparently running during rush hour in the suburbs is a bad idea. I drove home expecting to hit the treadmill due to rain, but by the time I got near the house, the rain had let up. So instead, I went into the gym to change and go running outside, between 4:30pm - 5:30pm.

I was almost hit at stop sign intersections three times. Each time the person was totally clueless and coasts right into the crosswalk section of the stop sign in question. Once I had to completely stop or get hit, and the guy finally looks up and notices me. I'm standing there with my arms up in a questioning manner, as if to say, "WTF dude?". His window was down, and he goes, "Oh sorry buddy."

This just made me even more angry, because it made me think of the Dane cook skit, where he talks about people calling you Pal or Buddy that are clearly not your buddy. Fast forward to 3:45, and you'll see what I'm talking about. I kept my mouth shut and continued on. I finished the run and made it home safe. But I think I'll be keeping my after work runs to paths and lakes, and no more rush hour sidewalk running.


Bill Roehl said...

I call people buddy or dude. Sorry if it offends you but it's better than "whiner" ;-)

Glad you made it home alive!

spock74 said...

Shawn, you've DRIVEN in that traffic, what would make you think it was a good idea to RUN in that traffic? Especially since you're not a sprinter. Work on the fast-twitch muscles before you try that again. :)

brent said...

been wondering how the running has been going. how was that hot run last sunday?

Gayle said...

Run behind the car at the intersection-ALWAYS.
Mom's just gotta give advice.