Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Operation: Grill Recovery

It's been almost a week since I've posted anything - mainly because work has been kicking my ass. I won't get into details sufice to say I am glad this weekend is a long one. I'd like to take Friday off but even now I'm not sure if I will be able to. The other reason for no posts, aside from not having anything interesting to post, is that I've been unmotivated to get pictures off my camera since my main PC died. I finally decided to stop being so damn lazy and spent the 10 minutes to get pictures using my backup computer.

As mentioned in my previous post, the birds finally decided to leave my grill. They didn't really clean up very much before they left, as you can see here. I want a cleaning deposit! If that isn't enough to gross you out, check out this close up shot of... ya. I wasn't even sure where to start, but with some basic tools & a bucket of ammonia and water, I set off to clean this bad boy. All in all, I think the end result was pretty good. I even made some hot dogs on the grill later, to prove it wouldn't make me sick. Now, anyone want to come over for burgers?

Recently I've been trying to get on a health kick again. Of course, my kick ends up spilling over onto my family. I'm sure they are sick of me by now. (MOM QUIT SMOKING!) Mainly I'm trying to eat better and get more exersize. I try not to think of it as exersize, and instead have been searching for things that I actually enjoy doing. So far I've found two things I like, biking and Dance Dance Revolution. (nice action shot eh?) I try to bike to my bus stop (2 miles away) when its not raining or too humid. I hate getting on the bus and having to sit next to someone while im dripping sweat everywhere. The DDR is really fun (and I'm pretty good at it if you ask me!) I've got mostly A's and AA's on all the songs at the "Light" level. Doing DDR for a solid hour is actually quite a workout. Hopefully I can keep it up, I'll post updates!

Andrea wants me to take profile shots of her belly at 7 months (next wed), 8 months and 9 months. Check back for possible pictures. (if she lets me post them!)


brent said...

that grill is freakin' spotless man! sweet.
i've also heard DDR is a good workout. nice job, an hour sounds like a lot of work.

Unknown said...

I know what you mean about sweating. I had a contract in San Francisco last year and was commuting via BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit). The first day I walked to the BART station a little over a mile away. I get started late and had to walk fast. The whole walk was on sidewalk and I wore the wrong shoes. It was a hot day. I get on the train just dripping and take a seat. I think I had the seat to myself most of the way to San Francisco. It took a half hour for me to cool down to something approaching normal. Then I was limping for a week due to both feet killing me. I drove to the BART station for the rest of the contract.
