Friday, October 07, 2005

Fantasy Football, week 5

Quick update before I get into my fantasy football. Tomorrow we head back to the hospital for Inducement Part 2. One way or another, my next post will be pictures of Megan so check back for that. I wouldn't expect any new posts until at least Tuesday, probably Wed night.

On to fantasy football... half my team is out on BYES this week including BOTH my Quarterbacks. I basically had to through together some half-assed squad just to finish my roster out. I have 3 offensive players from the Rams, so lets hope they have a good day. Odds are stacked against me big time. Still, even if I don't win another game this season at least I can say I beat both my brother and sister-in-law!

QBM. Hasselbeck
WRD. Driver
WRK. Curtis
WRKe. Johnson
RBM. Faulk
RBS. Jackson
TED. Graham
WR/RBD. Foster
KS. Graham
DA. Wilson
DT. Parrish

Update: Once again, I pull a victory out of my butt. Seriously, I threw together this squad at the last minute, picked up some random free agent QB that was available, and bam - WIN number 3.

Record: 3-2

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