Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Ninja Runner

Tried something new this morning, that sounded (and went) well in theory, but in practice, it turned out to be not so good. Recently I've been unable to get to some of my evening runs, so in an attempt to get at least one in today I tried a "before work and shower at work" run.

I should preface this with the fact that Megan decided to have a melt down last night between 2:30am and 3am. After 30 minutes of letting her try to go back to sleep on her own, I finally broke and went down stairs. We slept on the couch together for 30 minutes, and I put her back to bed. So I'm already coming off a broken night of sleep.

I got up shortly after 5am, parked at work by 5:55 and running shortly after that. It was still completely back out, and of course, my only long sleeve running apparel is all black. Very safe... I was in stealth mode! No one even knew I was running, even me. Anyway, the run went very well all things considered. I felt great, the cold air was nice, and the shower after was really not that bad. By the time I was sitting at my desk, I had cooled off and didn't have any "shower didn't take" issues.

The bad part was around 10am when my body said "Hey dumb ass, I'm tired, what were you thinking?" I fought it as best I could, but it was pretty rough. I really don't think I will attempt that again unless absolutely neccessary.

In other news, and I'm sure this contributed to my tiredness, I'm kicking coffee for awhile (again). Might be kind of hard the first couple days, but I'm going to stick it out. At least 10 full days with no coffee, and I will reevaulate after. I'm sure your wondering why no coffee, and I honestly don't know. Sometimes I just have to mix it up.

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