Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Better Update

Taking Monday off was exactly the right decision. The funny part was, the day itself was very stressful. Megan was very unhappy and not cool with napping when she should, and ended up having a melt down. This of course caused me to have a melt down. Thankfully, Andrea remained the rock solid parent she is and calmed us all down.

On the positive side, I've gotten two runs in the last two days and that has made me feel better. My cold is still full blown, but hopefully it will start to wane towards the end of this week. I'm going to try and get two more runs in before the weekend and see how it goes.

Work started good today with "no new problems" to deal with, so that was nice. The end is in sight and I can look forward to getting this project out. I'll probably never get much credit or fanfare for my work on this project, but it will be a big personal victory to see this one succeed. Whether or not the customers think it's a "great" thing is yet to be determined.

On another up note, my bro has offered to watch Megan tomorrow night. I think we will take the opportunity to hit a dinner and just relax. I'll probably stop off at the Running Store and get some new shoes. I think some recent foot pains I've been having can be attributed to worn out shoes. Plus, I need to break in a new pair to start working on my 2008 running goals. (more on that later)

Anyway, today was yet another "No nap for Megan" day, so I have to go do my best to help keep her awake as long as possible. If she falls asleep too early, it just causes her to wake up crying around midnight, or even the possibility of her coming out of her room.


Anonymous said...

This is a very nice summary of our life with Megan these past few days, although I would have to say that usually you are the rock solid parent lol...

spock74 said...

Victory is mine! Thanks, dude!