Friday, April 11, 2008

Something Positive

The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind; the kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday.
I'm just going to get the horrible shit out of the way, in the odd chance that I can come up with anything positive. It's been awhile since I quoted THE song. Oddly enough, for me it was 2pm on Tuesday, not 4pm this week. I got a phone call at work from Andrea, she was in the emergency room with Megan.

While helping make her lunch of Mac & Cheese with Mommy, Megan managed to get her hand on the stove and got some pretty bad burns. She suffered second degree burns on portions of her left palm along with some burns on the fingers. Needless to say, it's been a rough week.

Fast forward to today, 2 doctor visits, codeine spiked Tylenol, and numerous scary bandage replacements... And we've survived. All things considered, Megan has been quite the trooper through this whole ordeal. I haven't seen her cry once, not even the night Daddy climbed into bed with her to read some bed time stories, only to accidentally lean on her hand, resulting in a popping of the largest blister on her hand.

This is actually the first time Megan has been to the emergency room. Statistically speaking, it probably won't be the last either. But it was still a horrible thing to happen and it came at a time when things were starting to pick back up.

So where is this positivity I promised? I don't know... It sure as hell isn't this weather. I swear, snow and rain were the last thing I needed to add to this week. Can I just get a FEW days/weekends of nice weather? PLEASE!?! Work is okay for the most part. We made revenue goals last quarter, so that means some profit sharing this month. Can't complain about that I guess.

Last weekend was something nice at least. I was able to spend some time with my Grandparents and Scott and Val. They came over on a Sunday afternoon and got to see Megan and then we headed out for a nice lunch. Megan was great and I was glad she got to spend some time with her Grandparents. We don't see them enough.

In other news, my grandparents are getting a lap top and internet! I'm sure the traffic to my blog will be shooting up soon. I promise more positivity and lots of pictures of Megan just for you Grandma!!

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