Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Race that Never Was

4 years ago, I ran my first ever "race" event, at the insistence of a good friend. I ran that Get in Gear in 53:28. It's interesting to go back and read that post and think about my mind set at the time. Also to read how hard it was, and to think about how far I've come with running.

As I've said before, I had set a goal for myself this year of breaking the 45 minute mark. I knew I could do it, because my very last run last year (half marathon) was virtually at that pace. And sure enough, I was able to achieve and blow away my goal. Here were my split times:

1 - 6:58
2 - 6:50
3 - 6:51
4 - 6:54
5 - 6:57
6 - 7:00
.2 - 2:04

Total time: 43:38, average pace: 6:54 min/mile. A few weird things about the run this year. For starters, I started right up front this year. Meaning, I could see the elite runner start, see the tape lines, and also see all the weirdness that happens up there. You have this small group of runners that wish they were elites, pushing foward, trying to sneak in. Meanwhile, officials are trying to keep them back. In the end, a bunch snuck through and just started at the same time. Weird?

The other crazy thing that happened was as I passed each mile marker. The person calling out the times as I passed each marker, yelled the following: "7:01!" , "14:02!", "21:03!"... I don't think there was anyone at mile 4, but then sure enough, at mile 5: "35:05!".

Needless to say, there is a sad thing about this entire event. I run the best 10k in my life, probably my first ever personal record that won't be an "easy" one to beat, and what happens? My official time is not posted on the web site. All results are in, and I'm not on them. What is that about? I signed up the day after the race opened. My bib number was 160, and I was wearing my damn chip. No official time. Is there a refund? I want my money back.


brent said...

dude you have to send an email (at least), surely they will be able to give you an official race time even if your chip didn't work. i'm certain this can be rectified. stupid new chips.

Shawn said...

I filled out a form on the web site, including my "estimated finish time". Now I'm up there, with that same time. Offical or not? You decide!

Race results

Adam said...

Congrats on the race and on getting your official results.

Also, you forgot Angels & Demons on May 15 in your last post :-)