Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Posting with a Purpose

One of the biggest roadblocks in posting on a more regular basis (aside from the time factor) is that often times I have nothing interesting to say, mention, or report on. What then, is the point? Let's be honest, I live a pretty routine life. There is nothing wrong with that, in fact, I like routine.

If I wanted, I could blab on and on about work. The politics, the stupid games people play, and even my own dumb approaches to things. Even I find myself being quick to judge someone harshly or place blame incorrectly for why something might be broken, or why we so often find ourselves in situations where shit isn't done when it's supposed to be. Then I sit back and see, I'm just as much a part of the stupid game as everyone else. That realization itself frustrates the shit out of me. I want to be better. I want to make a difference. I want to have an idea that makes everyone go "oh shit, we need to pay that guy more." Is that wrong?

Yes, I'm somewhat coming full circle again. Not so much because I hate my job, or because I dislike what I do. No, not this time. I actually do enjoy, on some level, what I do. More importantly, there are a few fun people that I work with, and that's a huge plus. This time, it's more about the fact that I do wish I could have a million dollar idea (that isn't a lottery ticket) Hell, I'd settle for a $100k idea. Just to be able to say, hey, I had this idea, and it was worth something. The closest I've ever come, was my first job. Long story short, I came up with an idea that changed a part of the manufacturing process (via software I wrote), that resulted in less wasted product. At the time, I saw it as fixing a minor area where we were in essence, "throwing away good parts". Turns out, after one of the equipment engineers ran the numbers, I ended up creating a savings of around $30k every two weeks. I think my entire 5+ year career there was paid for in a few months with that idea. Too bad I couldn't just pocket that instead.

I don't know where I was going with this post, and so maybe it's best to just end on a random note. When I sat down to post tonight, I started with a totally different blog title and a totally different purpose. But now it's past 10pm, and I want to start running again in 7 hours, so I had better get some sleep. Maybe I'll post my thoughts on "moral flexibility" tomorrow...


Andi said...

Oh hey everyone-- we figured out the problem with Megan a couple weeks back. Apparantly she was going through second-stage jealousy. There's initial jealousy of the new baby from 0-3 mo then there was a honeymoon period of three mo and then when the baby starts to crawl there's a resurgence of attention getting behavior on the part of the older sibling. So it's not totally us, we're not crazy, it's normal.

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