Saturday, April 10, 2010

4 Year Old Wisdom

I had wanted to get another in-depth post up this week, but the time just wasn't there. Instead I'll switch gears and post some words of wisdom from Megan.

Last night my neighbor mentioned how he was watching the original Star Wars with his kids for the first time. I thought maybe Megan would enjoy watching them, so we headed home and I popped the movie in. As it started, I tried to explain to Megan who the "good guys" and "bad guys" were, to give her a frame of reference. After about 20 minutes into the movie, she just turns to me and says:

Bad guys are just a part of life.
I couldn't agree with her more.

Today Megan and I were on our way to the grocery store, and she had another wonderful quote. Just out of the blue, she goes:

I wish we had a flying car.
Don't we all?

We didn't actually have any plans this weekend, so today we just picked things at random. We decide to start off the afternoon at the Mall of America. Megan is just over 42' inches now, which means she can go on almost all the rides at the MOA. So for the first time ever, I shelled out some money so we could go on some rides together. What I didn't know - is that if you have a child just above 42 inches, some of the rides require that they have a chaperone. But here is the cool part - the chaperone rides free! How cool is that?

We started off on the Ferris Wheel, which didn't allow a free chaperone. That was a rip off, so then we moved on to the Merry-Go-Round, which rocked. But from there... Megan wanted to do the "Orange Crush" roller coaster. This ride only needed the rider to be 42' inches, so being the insane Dad that I am, I said what the hell! Either she will love it or be permanently scarred for life.

This ride qualifies as a "real" roller coaster, despite no huge drops or anything. It is fast and the 3 spin turns are really fast. After the first 10 seconds of the ride and I got worried, but then all of a sudden Megan starts cheering and laughing and just having the time of her life. After we got off, she begged me to go again. Damn straight we did it again! It was awesome!

Here is a video from someone riding this coaster. It should give an idea of how fast this was.

Kind of ironic to find this video on youtube, but not at all if you were Megan. You see, just a few nights ago she turned to me and said:

Everything is on youtube.
How correct she is!


Unknown said...

what a cutiepie and... so right!

my little secret for you said...

really good words from megan :)

EbilFairyLight said...

What an amazing little girl =] I'm always amazed at how much i can learn from young children.