Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Running: In-Depth

You might have noticed my updated side-bar. I haven't used the running web site linked to my blog, Buckeye Outdoors, since last November. Since then, they have updated the web site to allow direct linking to my Garmin running watch. Cool stuff!

I've done 4 runs since the weather turned nice, and (fingers crossed), so far so well. My foot isn't 100% but it isn't painful or getting any worse either. Most days, I don't even notice the plantars. I'm going to take this as a good sign that I can keep it up.

On Saturday, I ran my first "long" run of the year. It just barely made the double digits, but that's my qualification for a long run. Although I felt good for most of the run, I was pretty beat by the end of it. Interestingly, I ended up being more worried about my heart rate then my bum foot. An AVR of 175 with a max of 188 was much higher then I'd want for that particular pace.

Thankfully, the next run right after that, at the same pace but a slightly different time of day was better. AHR of 158, and although I only did 6.65 miles, my heart rate profile was much closer to what I would expect for that pace. This was encouraging for my goals this years.

Yes, despite my injury and woah-is-me attitude, I have running goals for this year, just like I did last year. Last year I had a goal of running 1,500 miles. This is a goal I never talked about or even mentioned on my blog. In fact, there is only one person I ever told this goal to. This year is no different. I have running goals, and they are once again sekret.

Like almost all my goals, I have fears. Fears I won't be able to achieve them, fears of failure. In some ways, I think it is these fears that keep my goals sekret. It's better to fail silently, than to admit failure. My first four runs this year have my attitude slightly more positive, and as long as my injury doesn't get any worse, I think I'll be able to achieve my goals for this year. Time will tell.


brent said...

i think having sekret goals sounds like something you'd rib me about if i said i had them! i hear you though, publicly stating goals is not for the faint of heart.

Sarah said...

good for you to tackle your plantar problems head on and not let them get the best of you! So frustrated with my parents - both have some plantar problems. My mom has been dealing with it for YEARS - basically because she won't try anything long enough to see if it will actually help. My dad fell victim to the plantar last fall and quick walking - he walked about a mile every day. To my knowledge he's done nothing to alleviate his problems. It is nice to hear of someone doing something positive when faced with this issue!