Friday, April 23, 2010

Day off?

I took the day off work today, for no other reason then Andrea telling me "It's about damn time you took a day off!" Am I working too much? Maybe. Being off today just reminded me once again that I still have the easier job between me and Andrea. I'm friggen beat!

We started off the morning with a trip to the YMCA, where I did a quick 5 miler on the treadmill. Casey did "okay" this time - she cried like CRAZY when we dropped her off at the kids stuff area, but they never called Andrea down to pick her up and by the time we came back she was mostly calm.

After that Megan and I spent an hour at a park, went out for lunch, drove into Minneapolis to pick up my race packet for tomorrows race. Came home, played outside for a few hours, had dinner, more time outside, and blam all of a sudden it's 9pm and I am tired as hell. How on earth does Andrea do this every day all week?

So yeah, tomorrow I have my first race of the year, and the 4th time I will be doing the Get in Gear 10k - the first race I ever ran. The weather looks like it's going to be absolutely horrible, cold and raining. Gotta love it. In the 4 years I've done this race, the weather has only been marginally good once.

The bad weather tomorrow is going to be a double slap in the face. You see, around my place they are having a HUGE neighborhood garage sale. It's a yearly thing, and everyone gets involved. You can find some amazing deals and tons of stuff for kids. Normally it wouldn't bother me too much that the rain is going to ruin the garage sales, but I decided at the last minute to put in a ton of work to sort and arrange my DVD collection in hopes of selling some off. Now it looks like I might not be able to sell any due to the weather. My neighbor at least bought a few already.

I'll report more later on the results of the run, the crappy weather, and my attempt to make a few bucks selling DVDs.