Saturday, September 06, 2008

All right, all right...

Yes, I realize it's Saturday and I haven't posted in over a week. Sue me! No big reasons I haven't found the time to post, mainly just a lazy thing.

Labor day weekend... What did I do again? That's a lifetime ago. Let's see, Friday was the bachelor party, which went exactly as I expected. Fun and I got to talk D&D with my buddy most of the night. I also went ultra cheap and ended the night only spending $7 bucks for parking. Go me!

The rest of labor day weekend was spent running, biking, sitting around doing nothing, or hanging out in various places with Megan. Pretty typical stuff!

The big news for this week is that Megan started preschool. Tuesday night we had an open house where we met her teacher. For some unknown reason, she got a different teacher at the last minute, than the one we originally met. The open house was fine, if a bit unorganized. There were two classes worth of kids congregating in one room.

Thursday morning was the big day. I stayed home from work that morning to help see Megan off. The bus comes to the house around 8:20am to pick up Megan. She got on the bus with no problems. In fact, we woke her in the morning saying "The school bus is coming today!" and all she would say all morning was "school bus!" When the bus arrived, she got right on and gave both Andrea and I a kiss goodbye. She'll go to school now Tuesday/Thursdays from 8:30 to 11:30.

Not much else going on this weekend, except for a 25k run I am doing tomorrow. Although the weather today is just awesome, perfect running weather... I'm sitting here "resting" for the race. And what will I get instead? Probably cold and rain in the morning. Juuuust great.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pretty nice preschool that buses the kids. I have to drive Melanie to and from preschool 4 days a week getting her to school by 9am and picking her up at 11:15. Next year when she will be in kindergarten I'll even have to drive her one way - no middle of the day bus.