Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Casey: The Prequel

Since this year is all about the prequel movies, I figured why not have a little Casey prequel. As we lead into the last few days before official "due date", we find ourselves in pretty much the same situation as last time. The biggest difference is that Andrea is feeling much better. Much less stress, no worries about blood pressure, a picture of good health. So what next?

I know that we don't want to end up in the same boat as last time, spending 40 hours in the hospital hooked up to machines pumping drugs into Andrea that have no effects. Not that our experience was horrible last time, but we've learned what we do and don't want to happen. Andrea's next visit will be with her doctor, on Tuesday of next week (due date +2), and we will determine our options at that point. My guess is that nothing big will occur over the weekend. As a reminder, Megan's official "due date" was Sept 28th. We had our first attempt at induction 4 days later, and Megan was born on Oct 9th (due date +11). If we have the same thing happen this time, Casey won't be here until May 28th!

In the meantime, my World of Warcraft account is now expired as of last Saturday. It was a fun last hurrah these last 5 months, but time to put it away again. I'm giving serious thoughts to a new gaming PC sometime late this year or early next year, on the cusp of the Windows 7 release, which rumors are saying is being pushed for a "Christmas" type launch. This Alienware lasted well for 5 years, and although yes, older and a tad outdated, is still a nice PC. But it would be nice to have a new top end system for some newer gaming, including Starcraft 2, Diablo 3, and some of the new RPGs slated for the later half of this year.

And work is going swimmingly, and it would seem that rising above the crap is working out for me, as my bosses send "kudos" emails to each other about my recent "excellent efforts" and "stepping up" to get things done on time and without issues.

For those of you keeping score at home (and you know who you are), that is an example of how you can be a cog in a machine, but you can still choose to make a difference.

Quick note: I also wanted to say congrats to my former college roomie Adam & wife Pilar on the recent birth of thier first baby girl!!


brent said...

good work man, i have learned a lot from you about how to step up and work hard yet strive for balance. i sure hope i can put it to practice some time soon!

Adam said...

Thanks, Shawn and Andi! She was 6 lbs 10 oz and is doing great, as is Pilar. We'll get a few more pics up on Facebook sometime this week too :-)

Good luck with Casey! We hope all goes well for everyone. Looking forward to hearing about it all here :-)

Unknown said...

Heh... I finally canceled my EQ accounts a couple of days ago. I have not even had EQ on the computer since late last year. I will prolly cancel my WoW account soon. I did however start a 3rd EVE char ). It was hard to shut off EQ. I have had that account for over 10 years. Hard to believe. Glad to hear about Casey. I was away from your blog for awhile and did not realize you had another on the way! Congrats to you and for wife.