Tuesday, May 19, 2009

First Hot Run

Tonight I did a normal run outside, 7.25 miles. I didn't bother to look at the temp before I left, because I didn't really care. With the last few cold / windy evenings, I've been wussing out and running inside more than I'd like. I ran at near normal pace, and didn't quite realize how hot my body was getting until I stopped once to tie my shoe and could just feel heat radiating from inside out. On the way home the radio weather guy said it was pushing 93 degrees. I figured it was mid 80s, didn't quite realize it was that hot. Oops! Lesson learned, first hot run of the summer out of the way, I'll have to be smarter in the coming days.

Everything with Casey is going as planned, which is to say, nothing new is happening. Andrea is still feeling good but with no signs of going into labor. The next Doctor visit is Friday afternoon. I will start my leave from work on Thursday and will go along for that visit. If everything is "looking normal" on Friday, we will most likely get an inducement scheduled for the following week.

So what will we do with our time between now and then? More movies! We already have babysitting lined up for Thursday afternoon, since Terminator actually comes out on a Thursday instead of Friday. WHOOT! Other than that, we don't have anything else planned but to relax and make sure Andrea doesn't have to go out in this heat much more this week. She spent a good hour with Megan outside today, and that was hard enough.

I might sign up for a half marathon for the end of the month, but a) it seems kind of selfish and b) the timing probably won't work. It's on May 30th, so if our inducement is scheduled for Thur or Friday that week, it probably wouldn't work to do a half marathon the next day. Yes, I'm a tad insane to even be considering it, but I wouldn't be me if I wasn't.

1 comment:

Andi said...

I was pretty much like Shawn. I hadn't realized how hot it had gotten until after I came in that day. I had heard mid-80's too.