Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Quick Pics

Casey and Andrea are napping for a bit (Megan is pretend napping), so sneaking a quick second to get these pictures up. I realize there are none of Andrea yet, that happened more by accident. Hopefully more pictures or more of my blabbing later in the week.

Casey, a few hours old.

Close up, no flash.

Our first visitors, Andrea's parents were watching Megan since Sunday.

Grandma B and Casey.

Just Megan being happy... if only that was how she ACTUALLY has behaved over the last 48 hours...

Me and my two daughters, isn't Megan photogenic?

Megan and Casey close up, no flash.

And finally, back home today...


Jenny McGovern said...

Wow, she looks just like Andi! Adorable little girl...congrats again!

spock74 said...

I may barf from the cuteness. In a totally good way, though!

spock74 said...

Also, " two daughters...", fun!!

Sarah said...

I agree with Keara, love "me and my two daughters." Very sweet. :)