Saturday, August 15, 2009

20 mile run that never was

This morning was interesting. Between Casey keeping me awake from midnight to 2am, and Megan coming up to our bedroom at 4:30am, when my alarm started going off at 5:20am, I actually stopped for a second to ask, "Why am I doing this again?"

Wait, let me go back. I haven't posted all this week because we had a semi emergency with Casey. On Wed night, she developed a really bad fever, 100.3 and above. Andi scheduled an appt. for the next afternoon, but ended up taking her to urgent care the next morning instead. Fever was up above 102, and it wasn't the standard ear infection. So they had to do a battery of tests to rule out all the serious things. They found nothing, so they gave her a standard shot of catch all antibiotics. She is doing better today, but her mood and night times are definitely not back to normal yet.

The second half of this week has been a bit rough, but we've survived. Meanwhile, I made plans to go out this morning and do new distance record: 20 miles. We got started by 6am and it was clear the humidity was going to be a factor, but overall, it was an enjoyable run. We did mostly 9:00s for the entire morning, which for me is a comfortable pace. The last 5 weeks, my long weekend runs in the 11-16 mile range have all been around 8:00-8:15 pace. The difference between 8s and 9s is significant. But even so, with the humidity this morning, 9s were plenty hard.

The funny part of the run, is that I paused my run at one water stop, only to forget to start it up again. The end result? My watch didn't even get to record my 20 mile run!! Check out this map:

Unless I suddenly sprouted wings or gained the ability to walk on water, I'm pretty sure I couldn't do that little straight line directly over the lake. That is where I paused and then restarted later. Oops... Oh well, just means I have to do it again sometime I guess!

Total distance: 20.43 miles (I think), total time: 3:07:44

1 comment:

Mom said...

Silly boy, I taught you how to walk on water when you were 3 years old. I just forgot to tell you. haha. Amazing run-you are amazing.