Sunday, August 07, 2005

Duluth Weekend

It's been awhile since I've had time to write anything, mainly because after Tuesday my week nights were super busy. Wed night was our weekly birth class and Thursday night I had to get ready for my weekend trip, which I'm going to post about first!

It was a super weekend for a trip up to the north shore, having been invited to spend some time with old college friends at a lake cabin. The weather was perfect, the company was great, and it was awesome to reconnect with old friends. It seems hard to think it's been 7 years since I graduated college. It sure doesn't seem like that.

Friday we settled in and caught up. We ended the night with some Mario Kart for gamecube and some Mario Party. Mario Kart was basically how me and my college roommates got through college. (original SNES Mario Kart and N64 Kart) Pretty much every weekend contained some amount of Mario Kart and Alcohol. Of course, we all thought our skills improved as our blood alcohol content went up.

Saturday we headed up the north shore to Splitrock Lighthouse. It was a lot cooler (temperature) right near the lake which was nice. We did some hiking and of course, throwing rocks into Lake Superior! If you've never done it, I can't really explain the addictive quality of it, but trust me, its just fun to stand out there and throw rocks for awhile.

We headed back to unwind with a nice dinner of northern trout on the grill and some relaxing trivial pursuit. And for the record, the NCAA tournament has 65 teams (not 64) because of something that happened back in 1999 involving a new conference. So HA! I then forced my friends to watch Napoleon Dynamite since none of them had seen it. It was met with mixed reviews, but I have spread the love of Ligers, YESSSSSS!

I've limited the amount of pictures on the front page, but there are a bunch more. Click here to see the rest of the pictures from this weekend.

1 comment:

Adam said...

I know those guys!! Hope all is going well for everyone!