Saturday, August 13, 2005

I'm attacking the Darkness!

Last night we played some Dungeons and Dragons! This is my second attempt to get a campaign started as a Dungeon Master. In my first attempt, Scott and I tried to include our wives in on the gaming fun. That experiment failed miserably so I decided to just stick to the pure gamers this time around.

Trying to explain what D&D is and why it is fun to those that don't get it, is damn near impossible. I enjoy it simply as a creative outlet. Seriously, how often during our day to day lives do we really get a chance to BE creative? I know I sure don't. I get up in the morning, go through my routine, and head to work. Once there, I go through the motions, the procedures, what have you. Sure, maybe every now and then I get to use some problem solving skills, but that's not quite the same. You remember how when you were a kid you played make believe? (If you don't, then I'm really sorry) But if you do, then you understand D&D at the most basic level. It's just a way for grown ups to play make believe. What's so wrong with that?

Biking Update: This morning the weather was perfect. The plan was set, I had mapped it out earlier this week. With high 60's weather all morning I did my first 20 mile trek! I was able to finish in 2 hours, which included a 10 minute break around the midway point to rest and refill my water. As I came up to the last hard hill, all I could think was "this is going to suck, this is going to suck, oh man this is going to suck..." Before I could stop repeating that over and over in my head, I had reached the top. Wow. I finished strong and felt great. I'm definitely going out again tomorrow morning, the weather is just to nice not to.

After my ride I talked with Andrea on the phone for a few minutes, she will be back Monday. I then headed out to see Dukes of Hazzard all by my lonesome. I came home and did clean up from last nights gaming. Mt. Dew & chips everywhere!!

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