Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Midweek update

Sorry, couldn't think of a better title... Andrea is gone this week, at a Unitarian Universalist conference in Boone, IA. Actually, it's two conferences joined into one: Opus and Concentric. I miss her, but I'm glad she is having fun. She has really enjoyed past conferences. My brother and his wife are in the process of moving out - I know they don't think it, but I am going to miss them a ton. It was a fun summer even if we didn't get to see each other a whole hell of a lot. It was nice to just have once a week where we would all sit down for dinner and chat, even if it ended in me and Scott arguing about some random topic.

So all of a sudden, I'm home alone and it's really weird. I mean, not in a bad way. I'm used to being at home alone, seeing as how Andrea has been working nights for well over the past 4 years. But it's still a little strange experiencing it again. I had flashbacks of Idaho when Andrea was still in college and I was REALLY alone. Then of course I started thinking about how I should probably enjoy this week of solitude, seeing as how I probably won't have many quiet nights alone for a LONG time soon enough. :-)

Biking update: Last night I biked 18 miles - 4 miles over to Steve's place, and then we did a 14 mile loop together. (one of the routes he does) Tonight I did 15.5 miles and it felt great! I feel more and more confident about the 30 mile bike ride coming up next month. I just hope the weather continues to cooperate this week so I can get some more biking in.

Come Friday, I'm going to try and start some Dungeons & Dragons with my brother, and some friends of his. I've invested a bunch of money on books over the last few months for some odd reason, so we will see how that goes.

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