Friday, August 19, 2005

Week in Review

No updates this week, I've been slacking. Seems like it's been a really busy week but at the same time not busy at all. Anyway, here is a week in review. As I mentioned, Andrea came back early from her conference. She had fun as she expected she would, even though at times it "gets really intense". She made it over to the Iowa State fair, but didn't get to spend much time there. She also proceeded to teach me a song she learned called The Button Factory (seriously, click on that link and listen to it). That about sums up why I can't go to these things. I can sit around and have philosophical discussion about life, death, religion what have you. But as soon as they break out in song, I'm out.

Wednesday night Andrea and I went to birthing class again. There are 2 more classes left, both focusing on breast feeding. Those are really important to us, so we are looking forward to them. But weds class just sucked. We ditched out only after an hour into the class because after the break they were just going to do relaxation stuff and watch a video.

Andrea's parents are coming up today to spend the afternoon with her, and then we will be going out to dinner tonight. My brother and his crew informed me they want to play Dungeons & Dragons tonight after that. I swear, it's like crack. You give them a little D&D and all of a sudden they can't get enough! Too bad my brother starts college classes again next week, so I'm sure that will put an end to weekly sessions and end up more like monthly sessions if we are lucky.

Biking Update:
Monday: 5.5 mile test run of the cyclometer. Seemed to work great!
Tuesday: 24.5 mile longest ride so far. The plan was to meet up with Steve for this ride. If it went well, he was thinking of joining me for the St. Paul Bike Classic. However, he ran into bike problems just as we got started, you can read about what happened on his blog.
Thursday: 19.25 mile ride

The plan is to do another long ride this weekend, and then next weekend do my first 30 mile ride up north on the Paul Bunyan Trail!

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