Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Dirty Little Secret

As much as I like to use this blog to share details of my life and perhaps even glimpses of the inner workings of my head, the truth of the matter is that there are plenty of things I don't post about. My work life is a prime example of something I tend to filter out, but I also tend to censor out some of the more negative thoughts I have.

I think the main reason for this is I really don't want other people interpreting or judging some of those thoughts. Often times they are simply a passing thing anyway, and the last thing I want is for someone to read it and think I'm depressed, crazy, malicious, selfish, or any other number of negative ways to describe thoughts of that nature.

Am I all doom and gloom all the time? Of course not, but if I were to honestly record my all my daily musings into two columns of positive or negative, I'm sure the negative side would win. I'm pessimistic, so what? I deal with it!

I don't really know where I was going with this post, other then the fact that work has me freaking out right now, and I'm convinced I'll be out of a job within a year. Thanks to that, I can't really come up with anything overly positive to post about and I just didn't feel like faking it.

So instead, I'll just close with a few pictures of Megan doing odd things. First up, she was having fun wearing other peoples shoes:

And finally, what happens to a bored Megan when no one is looking? She falls asleep in very strange places.

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