Saturday, February 17, 2007

Evil Bunny

Know the face of evil, for this is it! We got a call today, from my brother of all people, that this bunny has just been recalled. I only say that because my brother has no kids, so it seemed kind of weird to be coming from him. Apparently the nose on these evil bunnies can pop off and pose a choking hazard.

Andrea has already filled out a form to get our bunny money back. Besides, Megan likes her learning puppy more then the evil bunny anyway. For those of you that have seen Megan do "Itsy-Bitsy", this Puppy sings that. Megan knows just what to press to get that particular song playing (the nose multiple times) and will keep going until he starts singing it. Then she will do the hand motions along with the singing dog, it's so priceless. (note- for anyone that has not seen "Itsy-Bitsy", make sure to ask Megan to do it next time you see her. She will gladly perform.)

Originally I wasn't going to post until after I saw Ghost Rider this weekend, but as it turns out I'll be seeing it tomorrow afternoon instead of tonight. My brother is of course convinced it will suck, but I don't care. Even in my original movie listing of 2007, I said it had suck potential. But it's a comic book movie, therefore I will see it.

Spent the rest of today exercising, napping, and working on Dungeons and Dragons some more. Tomorrow after Ghost Rider, we will be using our free money for an early dinner at Major's. We tried going tonight, but it was 6:40 when we got there, and there was a 25 minute wait. We didn't feel like trying to get Megan to sit still for all that time, so instead we just came home and made a nice pasta dinner. It was just as yummy and filling! Megan loved it too, she likes spaghetti or pizza sauce. Yes, she had spaghetti sauce in her hair by the end of dinner. (sorry, no pictures)

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