Saturday, February 03, 2007

On like Donkey Kong

Ended Jan with about 135 miles ran. I say "about" because as I've mentioned before, that includes some distance covered on elliptical. Still, another new record under my belt and a great start to the year. Got a 10 mile run in this morning, which is 18 miles for Feb already!

I haven't posted one of these pictures since July 06, so I figured I might throw another one up. This was after my run this morning.

I read every now and then how BMI isn't always a good indicator for overall health. But it's really the only thing I've had to keep me going, so I just stuck with it. 180 is considered "normal" BMI for my height, which is 5' 11" and 1/4" (I swear I've shrunk). 180 is the weight I think that I would like to maintain in the long term, so in other words, I've finally made it.

I'm going to enjoy the rest of the weekend, starting with a big dinner tonight at Champps with my bro and some friends of his. I know, you're thinking, "But Shawn, didn't you say you would never goto Champps again?" This is true, but only Burnsville Champps! We are going to the Champps in St. Paul, where Andrea got us a $50 dollar gift certificate for $25 bucks.

Then on Sunday, I will be heading over to my brothers apartment to watch the super bowl. Apparently they are getting food for everyone... This was a surprise to me, but yet not really. I can see Scott is the same way as me, that if your going to do something, you might as well do it right. When I (used) to throw parties, always had to go overboard. I can think of many a time where our alcohol budget alone would top $100 bucks.

Too bad that's a thing of the past. One of my mottos for '07 is to do away with useless endeavors, and it just so happens that throwing parties for myself is now on that list (along with a bunch of other things that might seem odd). Luckily, I now have Megan as an excuse, and although we kept her 1st birthday small, I hope to do something much bigger this year. Speaking of Megan, I know I promised pictures, but I haven't taken any good ones lately. Instead, please enjoy Megan dancing the Hokey Pokey with Elmo. She got this gift from a cousin on Christmas and at first was absolutely terrified of it. She has since warmed up to it, and gladly dances along.


Anonymous said...


Steve Eck said...

When were you throwing all these parties for yourself? I can recall four since you got back from Idaho, including the two poker tournaments.

I'm sure your friends like seeing you call having them over for a party a 'useless endeavor'.

Good job on the weight-loss.

Shawn said...

There were also a few attempts at new years eve things, which some of my opinions can be seen as far back as the start of 2006.

And I wasn't trying to say that having friends over is a useless endeavor. In fact I think quite the opposite.

I was more referring to inviting over a large number of disparated people en masse to celebrate some otherwise pointless aspect of me. (like, my birthday, for example)

Any more explanation then that would require being asked in-person. :-)