Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Back on the Wagon

Today I stared at a blank, white wall for 60 minutes. And it was the best 60 minutes of the day. You know why? Because I was running on a treadmill at the time! I went four straight days without exercise, and my body was screaming at me to do something. I haven't gone that long without exercising for quite awhile, so it felt damn good to run tonight. I finally picked a health club to sign up for, right near my house called Fitness 19. I think it's called that because the memberships are $19 bucks a month. But I actually went all out and splurged for the cheaper $9 dollar a month membership. I say splurged, because there was a higher up front-cost. But in the long run, I just couldn't pass up $9 bucks a month for a place that I DRIVE by every day to work. It doesn't get much more convenient then that.

Not much else is knew, this week is looking to be pretty uneventful. I did goto Jim's house for his birthday party tonight. We played some poker and I lost $10 bucks. Actually technically speaking I only lost $8 bucks because that's all I had in my wallet at the time. So I guess I owe Jim $2 dollars that he spotted me... Ya, I'll remember that... Suuuure.

Maybe tomorrow I'll get to bed early... ya... tomorrow will be the night... Definitely.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you came to the party. Sorry you lost your $8...Jim lost $20!! Anyway, thanks for coming out!