Saturday, November 25, 2006

Jingle Rap - Megan Style

I apologize to my viewers that have problems watching my youtube posts, but I just HAD to share this one. If this doesn't get you into the Christmas spirit, I don't know what will!

In other news... I've decided it's that time again. I am going to start re-reading the entire Deverry series by Katharine Kerr, from start to finish. The main reason is, the next book in the series finally came out last June. Of course, I never bothered to pick it up, but I think now is the time!

I first started reading this series when I was 14, and it was some of the hardest reading I had ever done. This will be the 4th time re-reading the entire series, I do it every time she starts a new chapter with a few year break in between. This is by far, my favorite set of books I've ever read. Will see how long it takes this time... for now, it's going to be a slow start, but I know once I get to book 3 or 4 I won't be able to put them down.


Anonymous said...

Heh ha! Jingle rap!

spock74 said...

MC Megan in the hizzouse!!!!