Thursday, November 02, 2006

There it is

Today we finally had Megan's 1 year check up. It was delayed because our doctor called in sick for our original appointment. Let's just say, it could have been worse? She was 24 pounds and 32 inches today, which puts her in the 90% and 97% percentiles respectively. So she is definitely still a big girl! She had two shots, and she cried but only for a very short time. The worse part was when we had to get her finger pricked for a blood sample. That just sucked!

We also pointed out to the doctor something we've been worried about for awhile now - Megan's lazy eye. Her right eye wanders when she is looking at things far away, or when it is really bright. At first we figured it would just go away, but it hasn't. I find out later that I guess my Mom also had something like that, and had to wear a patch over one eye when she was little. I have a feeling Megan will have to do the same. Here is an example of what I am talking about, we actually brought this picture to the doctor to show her.

Right away the doctor said we should get her in to see an optometrist. I just can't see Megan being okay with a patch over her eye, she would just rip it right off! I guess we will see what happens...

If you've read this far, you get to know the coolest part of our doctor visit. Megan took her first steps! Right there in the little room, Megan took 2 or 3 unassisted steps towards me. It was just awesome! Of course, I can't get her to duplicate it now for the life of me, but she definitely did it. Best part was Andrea was also right there to see it. So now I never have to worry about missing her first steps.

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