Sunday, November 05, 2006

Remember Remember the Fifth of November

Pretty ironic to put in "V for Vendetta" this morning, only to realize today actually IS the 5th of November. For those that don't know, the movie starts out with the popular Guy Fawkes rhyme.

Last night I went to the Wild hockey game, which we ended up losing. 8 straight home game wins, and they had to lose the one I went to. Figures, the last game I went to they also lost. At least it was a high scoring game (3-4) so it was somewhat exciting. Prior to the game was a minor reunion of sorts. I went to dinner with 3 former college classmates. And on another ironic note, one is a former co-worker and one is a current co-worker. Small world I guess?

Today there are things I know I should do, mainly get my ass outside and run. But I know I'm not going to, because I'm tired and lazy.

Blog update: I would have been INSANE not to take advantage of the weather today. Thankfully that part of me that makes "good" decisions got my ass off the couch and outside for a great 6 mile run. For sure the best decision ever, I hope the rest of the week is this nice.

I was 192 (190 after my run!!) on the scale this morning, which I realize is a "fake" weight, but it's low enough that I'm not motivated to put in that extra effort. On the plus side, I will make up for it this week with this crazy heat wave we are going to have. I'll get outside for runs every night!

Earlier this week, I had the following horoscope:

You're getting serious about where you're going and need guidelines for weeding out the weak. Here's one -- the chief hallmark of a mature being is one who accepts total responsibility for his or her own state.
It has been awhile since I had a horoscope that struck a cord with me, but this one did. Responsibility is such a strange and powerful word. Every day we make choices, and in the end, we are responsible for those choices. And the only person we have to blame or praise for those choices is ourselves. Yet even knowing this, we make bad choices. That is what is so interesting to me. That a rational, logical, intelligent person will make bad decisions.

As far as I've come, I still make bad decisions. Granted, they are fewer and farther between, but they still happen. What this horoscope made me realize, that it's okay to make bad decisions, as long as I take responsibility for them. In the past, I ignored my bad decisions. I completely denied that I was even making bad decisions, and that was my problem. I know now that it's important to embrace the choices I make, good or bad, and acknowledge and learn from them both.

I just wished it wasn't so damn hard to always make the "good" choices!!!!!

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