Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Unseasonably Warm

Not that I'm complaining, but 71 degrees!? It's got to be some kind of record. Actually I just checked, according to, the record temperature is 77 degrees - however, states the temp right now as 77 degrees! Either way, it's warm out, and I'll be taking advantage of it.

Dungeons and Dragons is coming together nicely for this weekend, perhaps too nicely. I'm slated to have 5 players there now, 1 that is totally new. I wasn't quite expecting that many, in fact, I had kind of hoped for a smaller group of just 3 players. I'm afraid it will become too much with that many players. We'll see how it goes, I still have a goal of making a fun fast-paced adventure.

It's kind of sad, it's only the first week in November, and I'm already thinking about the New Year. Just trying to think about what types of goals I want set for myself this next year. One new goal is vacation planning. I've always been horrible at vacation planning in the sense that, I just don't plan any for myself. 90% of the vacations Andrea and I have gone on, are some place that Andrea wanted to go. Anything else I've done is usually travel related to some kind of video game conference or convention, and those don't really count.

I want to do something big for our 10 year anniversary, which is 3 years out. What that is yet, I don't know. What I do know, is that I need to start planning for it now or it's just not going to happen. I figure as long as I can set the wheels in motion early, I'll be able to figure out what it is I want to do...

As for a Megan update, not much to report. She still hasn't decided to start walking yet and doesn't have much more in the vocab department. Although it has seemed like she has been more vocal lately. I guess the biggest thing is she has really started to get upset when I leave now. If I see her in the morning before work, or after I get home from work and leave the room. This may seem like a "Well ya DUH" type thing to other parents, but it's my first time experiencing what feels like real "attachment", so BACK OFF! It's still new to me. :-)

1 comment:

spock74 said...

Actually, I do know where you live, and the hunting will commence as soon as I can pry myself out of the house to do it.