Tuesday, February 20, 2007


If you are looking for something exciting, you might as well just stop right now and go do something else. Honestly there are days when I think about just stopping the silliness of this blog thing. Hardly anyone reads it and those that do mainly just want to see Megan pictures. (Please, don't post a comment of "But I read your blog!" I'm not seeking validation, I'm simply stating a feeling I have sometimes)

I originally started this blog for me, and in the end, that has to be my main reason for posting. But more and more it feels like maybe I'm not actually posting for my own reasons. The ironic thing in all this, is that a blog by its very nature/definition is a gigantic ego trip. You're basically saying to the world, "Hey look at me! My life is so cool I have to make a permanent record of it for everyone to see!" The funny part is there is hardly anything exciting about my life. In fact, I've done everything in my power to simplify my life. For whatever reason, I've really started to find solace in simplicity.

I wonder where the distinctions between a satisfying life, a simple life and a boring life are drawn? Maybe there are no distinctions, and it's just a matter of perspective. I like to think of it that way. Or maybe I'm just trying to see life for what it is, and let go of idealistic notions that I've held on to for so long. Or maybe I'm just waiting for the next huge change to come along and smack my simplistic life in the face and laugh at me for thinking I could get by that easy.

Tonight Andrea is out for Mom's Night Out with the Mom's club, seeing a movie. Megan went to bed early (8pm) due to an early nap today. I totally intended on using the rest of the night to work on D&D, but instead just ended up cleaning out my Hotmail inbox for a full 45 minutes. After I get done here, I'm going to make the bed, as we have clean sheets! Exciting huh? Can't say I didn't warn you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for."

~ Anonymous