Thursday, May 03, 2007

Hills Rock

For whatever reason, I've been slacking and eating a litle more then I should the last few days. I guess after the big 10k, I felt like relaxing a bit. Not to mention, after finally getting my appetite back, it was nice to enjoy some good food. I got back on track tonight with a nice run outside. Funny part is, I ended up getting a little lost and next thing I knew, I was facing a very large uphill climb.

It was the very same hill that, almost 2 years ago, made me post about how much I hated hills. That time it was on a bike. This time, it was running, I ended up really enjoying it. Sure it was tough, but it was a nice way to push myself at the end of my run.

Some bad news regarding Dungeons and Dragons. Two of my players have finals this month, so we aren't going to play again until the end of this month. Sucks to only get two sessions in the last 3 months. Guess I shouldn't complain, at least I have a group that wants to keep playing.

Looking forward to Spiderman 3 this weekend, it should kick some major ass. It's interesting that one could see the movie as early as 10am in the morning. I might actually do that in an attempt to beat some of the crowds. The risk you take when going to a movie that early is sometimes thats when the parents take all there really young kids as well.

Speaking of that, we are actually going to take Megan to a movie this month also. She has been to one other movie with us, but that wasn't for her. It was that stupid Matinee Movie that promised a "baby-friendly environment". Anyway, this time, we're actually going to take her to a movie I think she will really enjoy: Shrek the Third. Shrek (and Shrek 2) are the only movies she sits all the way through and actually gets into. She loves the Dragon and the Puss in Boots. I have a feeling she will do the same in the theater. Should be a fun time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Melanie loves Shrek and Shrek 2 too! Enjoy the movie!